Home > Blog > Why


19 Jan 2025

Why does the rain put me at ease?
Just like the wind rustling the trees.

Why do clouds look the way they do?
Why is the sky such a vivid hue?

Why do the frogs all croak at night?
Maybe merely for my delight.

Why do most birds sing a beautiful tune?
When they could just screech like a cockatoo?

Why does a raindrop glisten in the sun,
As it falls from the leaf of a juicy plum.

Why is the plum so tasty and sweet,
It has no business being a treat.

Why does this body not fall apart?
Just a pile of cells and occasional fart.

Why is the cosmos visible from afar?
When it could be as dim as a distant star?

How is any of it held together?
It could disappear at the touch of a feather.

Why is anything the way that it is?
It could be other, but this way it is.

Why do I ask these questions?
Where do they come from?
Neither here nor from there

What does it matter,
I’m here, I’m here.

I don't email very often

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Jordan West

Sydney, Australia

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